+Lynn Keane
First of all, If I had the money, I would definitely go out and purchase a pair of these glasses. I read this article and I must say that they have a few points but in order to reference these glasses as a failure, there must be more consistent and prominent definition of how failure is being viewed. It is hard to believe that a MEDIOCRE company like GOOGLE would have to STOOP to such LOWLY and UNORIGINAL depths to plug such a MUNDANE product. I'm not sure I can prognosticate what the first quarter of sales will be for this product but you can bet your bottom dollar the numbers will be high.
First of all, the review labels the glasses "a little too obnoxious". There are those who walk among us that believe that the samsung galaxy note is obnoxiously big, yet sales thrive. There are those that believe the ipad mini is a waste (I personally prefer the regular ipad and tend to agree) yet sales thrive. There are those who think Instagram and Twitter are pointless, yet usage is high. Do you get my drift?
Secondly, the article brings into account "trust by peers". These days, the folly of all can be found on Youtube or any random internet site, and it doesn't take a pair of computerized glasses to expose people. So granted, one may be suspicious of someone donning these glasses in a social setting, this is hardly a reason to claim these glasses will fail.
The article then goes on the say "something better will come along". I would personally love for this person to help me pick my bracket for this year's March madness because surely there exists no better prognosticator in this realm or the next!!! OF COURSE something better will come along!!!! The iphone was the first of its kind and I personally believe the Droids are better, but how long did it take for everyone else to catch up.
Truthfully, I would not be surprised if Google has already developed a pair that is leaps and bounds ahead of this pair but the point is for Google to be the first to make a sizable splash in the pond of wearable computing. Apple sold us "slightly improved" versions of the iphones each year and yet garnered millions in sales and continue to thrive. If one buys a new phone or new television, after 1 year (probably sooner) you go to the store and start lusting after something newer and better. These glasses are a taste and preview of what is to come. Larry Page and Sergey Brin don't strike me as the types to just put a TWIST on a Bluetooth device and bet all their capital on whether people will accept it. You can probably assume that there is a plan in place and whether you go out and drop the money on a pair of these glasses don't change the fact that scores of others will. I went to the movies recently and saw many people with Bluetooth devices in their ear and although personally I want to rip them out and throw them as far as I can see them does not change the fact that they held their place in technological history. Failure is a movie going straight to DVD after its release. Failure indicates minimal or no success. Failure is ultimately a relative term, but to say that these glasses will be a failure is utterly ridiculous. Google has a plan, and whatever it is, these glasses are only the beginning. I'll bet this person also felt the same way about Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, PS3, Call of Duty...........The Harlem Shake........................
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