As an aspiring sales professional I find this blog to be very useful. I make it a habit to try and stay abreast of what's going on in the industry even if some of the issue's are a bit above my head technically. Furthermore I follow Sales Engineer Blogs because I ultimately want to be a technical sales manager. Darrin Mourer does an awesome job blogging about how issues in today's technical world pertain to today's sales engineers. This particular blog speaks about champions and it makes perfect sense to me! I think the best way to close some of the biggest deals is to work with an inside connection. This notion resonates with me because I've managed to land two prestigious internships and various awards with a cumulative GPA that is anything but stellar however I know and believe that I am capable of comprehending and delving into any technical issue. I know how to build relationships and therefore I have learned how to get people to look past small weaknesses to see the bigger stronger picture that is me. The practice of using a champion to succeed on a deal seems like it will be second nature to me. I've made a habit out of overcoming obstacles in various ways and I imagine these qualities will serve me well as a future sales engineer!
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