Monday, February 11, 2013

Next Wave Tech

As a student it is sometimes difficult to afford all the techie gadgets that catch my interest but these days I can honestly say that one of the highlights of my upcoming graduation is finally having a steady income that can partially fund some of my hi-tech desires.  As the owner of a Droid Smartphone I have lost much of my fervor for envying the latest cell phones from Apple and Droid.  The last tech purchase I made was my Ipad and honestly, I do not feel that I have needed much else. Thanks to increased marketing and articles ranging from Sergey Brin's random photographed outing on a New York subway in "Google Goggles" and talks of Apple releasing a versatile "smart watch" capable of some James Bond Techlike abilities, my interests are staring to picque again!  If my stating salary permits, I would have no shame in admitting I'd be among the first wave of consumers to try out a new set of Google Goggles without hesitation.  Smartphone and tablet innovations have been plentiful as of late but these goggles could be the first of a new wave of tech that takes us into the next tier of device development that brings us closer to the awe inspiring feeling we crave when we ponder the excitement of owning super techno capable spy gear that we often see on television and in movies.  Let it begin! (soon I hope)

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