Thursday, January 31, 2013

Posscon Speaker Harper Reed Announced!

As excitement for the upcoming POSSCON 2013 builds I was pleased when I learned from Todd Lewis that Harper Reed will be one of the speakers.  Harper served as CTO for President Obama's 2012 re-election campaign which centered around "vast digital data operation".  Why am I stoked? It is widely known that Obama's camp spent far less that Romney on the IT portion of his campaign but somehow managed to put Romney's IT personnel to shame.  I cannot proclaim to fully understand Harper's background being that he specializes in building paradigm-shifting tech, but I do understand that data science is playing a huge role in how the business world operates.  With Harper at the helm the importance of using the enormity of the Internet to bring people together mixed with the evolving of data science, Obama's successful campaign is but one of many contributing factors to why I am eager to hear what Harper has to say.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Is Ubuntu right for U??

Tonight I attended the Ubuntu workshop at It-ology with +Jim Salter and although I have been exposed to open source technology before I must say I was pleased with the workshop.  I think that there are those that may be a little skeptical about open source either due to security concerns in a professional capacity or we chose to stick to system environments we are accustomed to.  Given Jim's impeccable reputation in the technology community it would be easy to assume that tonight's workshop would be above the heads of those who are not quite familiar with the open source world, but this was clearly not the case tonight.  Whether you are a fan of Apple or Windows it cannot hurt to familiarize yourself with the options that open source can bring.  Ubuntu, for instance, is easy to download and for those who are tentative about trying new things it has many of the features that you would find in Windows 7.  I really liked Jim's delivery tonight and I highly recommend that people get exposed to open source because it is here to stay.  Lastly, above all, it is absolutely free to test drive!!!!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

What is the "IT" Factor?

I started this blog for both academic, personal and professional purposes.  I've dedicated the last few years of my life to finding out what the "IT" factor is for me and how I can be the "IT" factor for the right company.  Although developing ones skills is a constant endeavor, I am a firm believer that a strong foundation is the key to my type of success.

 I see myself as a capable, adaptable, and bright student of life who is ready and willing to embrace change and forge a productive path for myself in society.  Therefore I spend most days I asking myself how to get others to see me this way.  How do I ensure my professors, colleagues and future employers see my the way I see myself?  Although I have many sides and a wide array of interests, the goal that consumes me at present is being the right "fit" for an organization and beginning a productive and profitable career in the IT field.  I've had significant success in the past year with various connections, awards and exposure that I firmly believe are due to the fact that I see myself as an "IT" factor in the world of IT.  The world is full of ordinary people, ordinary students, and ordinary job seekers.  I put energy in setting myself apart from others by staying abreast of innovative technology, communicating effectively and weaving a growing network of contacts.  I've been told I spread myself too thin or that I focus on too many things at once but the essence of my being is my fervor to achieve some sort of understanding of as many things as I can.  This is my "IT" factor.  Information technology encompasses a broad arena therefore I make a habit out of exploring that arena.

Whether it's the latest developments in mobile applications, the battle between the new Facebook search capability and Google's stronghold on the search engine or Richard Branson's latest endeavor, these events are all connected in some way and I plan to reflect through this blog.  Ultimately the "IT" factor represents my stream of consciousness about all things IT and inbetween.  IT touches most expanses of our lives and I aim to gauge and try to understand and reflect on all that I can.  I ache and strive to learn so I welcome opinions of others and strive to understand various perspectives.